Ashley comes home after a long day and finds a spaceman searching her apartment. Before she can call for help, or run like hell, the intruder stabs her and leaves her for dead.
Desperate for freedom, Bandar, a battle born soldier, travels to Earth. His mission: find Daniel Kane, brilliant geneticist. It’s believed that Daniel can unleash the magic locked inside the battle born. Bandar’s search leads to Daniel’s daughter, Ashley, just in time to save her life. Bandar is so captivated by the fragile human that his need to protect and possess her threatens his mission.
Ashley awakens miraculously healed and filled with questions. Bandar is gorgeous and heroic, but she doesn’t believe a word he says. This isn’t the first time she’s run across aliens and now she knows it won’t be the last. She agrees to help him unravel the secrets surrounding her father’s work. Ashley has always believed her father was murdered and now she has a chance to learn the truth. But it’s hard to trust Bandar when the brush of his fingers makes her entire body tingle. Their volatile attraction could fulfill her wildest fantasies or open the door for planetary invasion.
Copyright © 2015 Cyndi Friberg
“If I’m a ruthless murderer, why aren’t you afraid of me?”
The question made her stop and think. She’d been terrified by the situation, shocked and amazed by the surreal happenings. Even Nazerel made her uncomfortable, but she wasn’t afraid of Bandar. Intrigued, maybe even intimidated, but she didn’t feel threatened by him. “I’m protected by what I know. It has nothing to do with your noble character.”
“Really?” He ran the back of his index finger from her temple to her chin, skimming so lightly she barely felt the caress. “If my shadow stood this close to you, I’m pretty sure you’d be screaming. Why aren’t you screaming?”
“They know I’m your prisoner and don’t give a damn. Screaming would be pointless.” His fingers trailed down the side of her neck and she started to squirm. An intoxicating scent teased her nose, making her feel tingly and…it was him. She was breathing so fast his scent was making her lightheaded. And her nipples were hardening. It had to be the T-shirt abrading her braless breasts. She refused to respond to this oversized bully. “Are you going to seduce the information out of me now? Is that your new strategy?”
“Oh I plan to seduce you, have no doubt, but it has nothing to do with my mission.” His gaze focused on her lips with obvious hunger. “Just a taste.” He whispered the words so softly she barely heard him. Then very slowly, he lowered his head.
Ashley tensed as he drew closer and closer. His humid breath caressed her mouth and then his lips made contact with hers. Desire unfurled inside her, making her restless and achy. She wanted to rub against him like a cat, wrap around him and feel him wrapped around her. Still, their only point of contact was their lips.
He tilted his head, fitting his mouth more securely over hers. Without conscious thought, she opened for him, waiting for the first possessive thrust of his tongue. He brushed over her bottom lip, tasting her as he’d said. She arched closer, anxious now, more than ready for a more intimate exchange.
His tongue explored her lips for a moment longer, then he pulled away. “First things first.” He stepped back and Ashley felt his absence more tangibly than his light touch. What a tease!